Page 8 - Formica Patterns
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The first and original                                                                                     PV1/EN 03/2022
Formica Group invented high pressure laminates in 1913. Pioneers by definition,
our iconic Formica® brand represents the quintessence of laminates.

Inspired by life
Laminates entered people’s daily lives and made modernity dreams come true
and accessible. Similarly, the demand for multifunctional, practical and durable
designed surfaces is a constant inspiration for our Formica® Collections.
At rest, at leisure, at work.

Evolving with the times
The way people live, work and play continuously changes. Formica Group keep
pace with these evolving times through constant innovation, reflecting global
trends and responding to ever changing needs and habits.
The true original, still surfacing the world.

Disclaimer                                             Liability                                           General Conditions
General                                                Formica is not liable (neither contractual nor      All sales of Formica® brand products are governed
The information provided by Formica Group              non-contractual) for any damage arising from        by the Formica General Terms and Conditions of
(“Formica”) in this document is solely indicative.     or related to the use of this document, except if   Sale in effect at the time of sale and contained in
The information given in this brochure is correct      and to the extent that such damage is the result    every order acknowledgement and are available
at the time of publication. However, as we have        of willful misconduct or gross negligence on        upon request.
a policy of constant product development and           the part of Formica and/or its management.
improvement, product specifications may change         The limitation of liability applies to all parties  Intellectual Property
in the future. Visit, or      affiliated with Formica, including but not limited  All intellectual property rights and other rights
for technical data, as the most up-to-date source      to its officers, directors, employees, affiliated   regarding the content of this document (including
of information. Formica does not warrant that          enterprises, suppliers, distributors, agents, and   logos, marks, text and photographs) are owned by
the information in this document is suitable for       representatives.                                    Formica Group and/or its licensors.
your specific purpose. Colour system notations
represent the closest match available in the                                                               Formica, the Formica Anvil Device and AR Plus
particular system. They may or may not be exact                                                            are registered trademarks of The Diller
and are provided for guidance only. When exact                                                             Corporation.
colour information is required, please always refer                                                        © 2022 The Diller Corporation
to an actual laminate sample in the specified finish.
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