Page 20 - Formica Woods
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Disclaimer                                                     Liability                                                           General Conditions
General                                                        Formica is not liable (neither contractual nor non-                 All sales of Formica® brand products are governed by
The information provided by Formica Group (“Formica”) in       contractual) for any damage arising from or related to              the Formica General Terms and Conditions of Sale in
this document is solely indicative. The information given in   the use of this document, except if and to the extent that          effect at the time of sale and contained in every order
this brochure is correct at the time of publication. However,  such damage is the result of willful misconduct or gross            acknowledgement and are available upon request.
as we have a policy of constant product development            negligence on the part of Formica and/or its management.
and improvement, product specifications may change in          The limitation of liability applies to all parties affiliated with  Intellectual Property
the future. Visit as the most up-to-date       Formica, including but not limited to its officers, directors,      All intellectual property rights and other rights regarding
source of information. Formica does not warrant that the       employees, affiliated enterprises, suppliers, distributors,         the content of this document (including logos, marks, text
information in this document is suitable for your specific     agents, and representatives.                                        and photographs) are owned by Formica Group
purpose. Colour system notations represent the closest                                                                             and/or its licensors.
match available in the particular system. They may or may
not be exact and are provided for guidance only. When                                                                              Formica and the Formica Anvil Device are registered
exact colour information is required, please always refer to                                                                       trademarks of The Diller Corporation.
an actual laminate sample in the specified finish.                                                                                 © 2021 The Diller Corporation
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