Page 19 - Formica Woods
P. 19

Product grades, finishes and accreditations.

This Collection incorporates the following grades of decorative laminate each with its own performance characteristics.
These grades conform to EN438.

Formica® Laminate

Sheets (thin) consisting of layers of wood-based fibers impregnated with thermosetting resins and

a surface décor on one side

Grade:	  HPL/EN 438-3 HGP: Horizontal, General Purpose, Postforming high pressure decorative laminate

	 HPL/EN 438-3 HGS: Horizontal, General Purpose, Standard high pressure decorative laminate

Thickness: 	 0.7 mm (nominal), single sided

Additional flame retardant grades are available on request (please check for available options)

	Formica® Compact

Sheets (thick) consisting of layers of wood-based fibers impregnated with thermosetting resins

and surface décor on one or both sides	

Grade:	  HPL/EN 438-4 CGS: Compact, General Purpose, Standard high pressure decorative laminate	                           		

Thickness: 	 Single sided 2, 2.5, 3 mm / Double sided 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 16, 18, 20 mm						

Additional flame retardant grades are available on request (please check for available options)

Product data sheets, including applicable fire rating, can be accessed on

Available surface finishes and recommended applications

                                                                    Recommended applications

Surface Finish  Surface Finish                                Code  Horizontal (& Vertical),                               Vertical and
Description     Designation                                         General purpose                                        Light-duty horizontal
Linewood        LNW                                           58                        ?
Matte 58        MAT                                           35                        ?

Naturelle       NAT                                                                                                        ?

Puregrain       PGN                                                                     ?

General                                                       Light Reflectance Value                                      Please note
The information given in this brochure is correct at          Light Reflectance Value (LRV) is a value indicating the      For non-solid colour decors, where there are multiple
the time of publication. However, as we have a policy         proportion of light reflected by a colour, when measured     colours across the design, the stated LRV is an average
of constant product development and improvement,              under standard daylight conditions. This guidance uses       value taken from multiple measurements across the
product specifications may change in the future. We           a scale of 0-100, where 0 = black and therefore total light  décor and must be used with caution. The individual
recommend visiting as the most up-to-             absorption, whereas white = 100 and therefore total light    colours in a pattern, woodgrain or stone design can differ
date source of information. Not all certifications stated     reflection. The main purpose of this value is to indicate    more than 30 LRV units within the design itself.
are applicable or available for all Formica® products.        measured colour contrast between two surfaces, which
Please check that the product you require is covered          need to be readily distinguishable within an environment
by a relevant certification or is suitable for your specific  (under static conditions, a difference of 30 units between
application, in advance of order placement.                   two colours is considered adequate). LRVs stated may or
                                                              may not be exact and are provided for guidance only.
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